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Using Visibility Online To Drive More Income In Your Business with Madison Tinder


Listen to the Episode No matter how good you are or how aesthetic your instagram is, without being in front of the right people you won’t have the dream clients and the dream sales. Visibility is the key to driving income into your business. If you are struggling with sales it’s likely your story is […]

How to Create the Perception of Luxury in Branding

Branding, Featured

No entrepreneur wants to be seen as “just another brand.” No, they want to be the gold standard, the premium choice. Here’s the catch, it doesn’t matter what your product or service is, it is all in the perception of luxury that surrounds your brand. Without it, you could have a great product but the […]

How to Measure Brand Affinity in Your Business


So what exactly is brand affinity? I was having a conversation with a friend recently and they asked how I measured brand affinity and loyalty in the corporate world. I realized that brand affinity is something we don’t talk about enough in the online space, so let’s get it out there. Brand affinity is the […]

How to Position Yourself as a Luxury Service Provider


There’s a distinct difference when marketing and selling premium goods vs. mass market goods. Coming from the corporate world of luxury goods this has always been at the top of my mind.  Now as a coach and agency owner, most of my clients would identify themselves as a premium or luxury brand. BUT what does […]

Leveraging Social Responsibility Into Your PR Plan


In a world where everyone is watching, there is a heightened awareness that companies are expected to do more than create a product or service. Around the world, many corporate companies utilize corporate social responsibility practices to give back to the community and leave an impact. Social responsibility means prioritizing the big P’s: people, planet […]

My Tips for Pitching Freelance Writers


One of the best things you can do to gain visibility, authority and growth is getting media mentions. It’s achievable but it won’t fall in your lap either, you have to work for it and be intentional. I was speaking with several writers for large publications and we were chatting about the biggest mistakes they […]

A full-service editorial. consultancy serving modern, luxury brands. A full-service editorial. consultancy serving modern, luxury brands. A full-service editorial. consultancy serving modern, luxury brands.