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In a world where everyone is watching, there is a heightened awareness that companies are expected to do more than create a product or service. Around the world, many corporate companies utilize corporate social responsibility practices to give back to the community and leave an impact.
Social responsibility means prioritizing the big P’s: people, planet and profit. There are many ways that companies incorporate these principles into their business:
Incorporating volunteer work
From incentivizing employee volunteering with bonuses or vacation days, setting up service days as a staff or adding pro-bono work to the lineup, there are many ways to incorporate volunteering into company life.
Giving back to the community through partnerships, donations, charity events, etc.
This is one of the most common ways that businesses can show their desire to make an impact. There are so many variations from donating product, money or sponsoring events, the options are endless.
Participating in ways to be more eco-friendly and sustainable when it comes to business practices.
For larger companies this may be reducing packaging or finding more sustainable alternatives. Even the little things like only stocking the break room with more sustainable snacks or putting recycling bins in every room.
As an entrepreneur, being your own boss has its fair share of challenges. One of the biggest being the balancing act between purpose and profit. Even as an entrepreneur, you can incorporate social responsibility into your business plan. Here’s how:
Have your team participate in volunteer activities that help the community.
Even if your team is tiny, having a place to get everyone involved in volunteering is not only a way to support the local community but also a great thing for team building.
Sponsor or donate a portion of proceeds to a charity.
This is a great way to show your support financially. If you have the means to do so, donating to a great organization or sponsoring an event that supports an organization that aligns with your values is something that not only helps support a cause, but also shows people what you value.
Set up a scholarship fund.
If you attribute your education to your success, setting up a scholarship fund is an incredible way to support the next generation. You don’t have to have hundreds of thousands to put into it right now, you can grow it slowly.
Find eco friendly and sustainable suppliers
As business owners even on digital platforms, the fact is we are all probably consuming more than we need and often not choosing the most sustainable suppliers. This can be the notebooks or pens you buy or even taking into account the transportation it required to get to certain things shopping to you and opting for buying local instead.
Little steps make a huge different.
Want to learn more about how leveraging social responsibility can be a part of your pitching process? You may want to take my PR & Media Masterclass. This Masterclass if:
1. Your for you you’re tired of fighting the Instagram algorithm and want more exposure on your brand.
2. You want the foundations of what you need to get started pitching your brand to the media and podcasts.
3. You want to be able to share your story in an authentic way and with confidence.
To learn more about the PR & Media Masterclass click here.
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